Adventure capital.

100% confidence.

Zero percent diligence.


No Research.

Does it do bitcoin? Will the machine learn? What about autonomous? Is there a cool spiky ball at the end of a blockchain? Don’t give us the answers now. We like to find out later on, after we’re investors; it’s like opening a pack of Pokemon cards that way.

Low Maintenance.

We have a “no acronyms” policy. We are not interested in decrypting the mystic runes of LTV, CAC, or the dreaded ROI. Show us a balance sheet and we get nauseous. Show us a term sheet and we rub our hands together like a hungry guy at Waffle House.

We will never check on your progress.

Cool Notebook.

Every founder we work with gets a cool journal with Easily Wowed written on it with an old-school label maker. It’s made by Moleskine and has 120 creamy, unlined pages where you can write business words, phrases, and numbers.

Also, it’s 8.5” by 11” which is like, really big.


Our value-add.


The Easily Wowed Notebook.

Founders will use this notebook to ideate. To innovate.

Jot down a list of things you’d like to buy after you IPO. Keep a workout diary, food journal, productivity checklist, or whatever other weird, compulsive, better-than-you founder habits you’ve developed to stop the bad-feelies when other funds ask about “product-market fit.”

Ew. We don’t even know what those words mean.

Some angels give you sound advice, a huge network, and lot of money. We give you a lil’ bit of money, and a pretty big notebook.


The pitch.

Lots of head nodding from us.


I knew it…

Virtuous cycle...

I love this slide…


Call dad.

He’ll know what to do. He’s a very shrew businessman.

You correct me: “it’s shrewd. He’s a very shrewd businessman.”

I’ll pretend not to hear you. Instead, I make a mental note that going forward, I’ll simply say:

“awesome businessman.”


Call again.

Okay he’s in a meeting. That’s fine. We’ll call back. Do you want any more coffee? Can I offer you a Lagunitas beer at 2pm on a Tuesday?


Close deal.

Awesome. Dad okayed it. Let’s be best friends. Here’s your journal.


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